GIS Data

Datasets for Arizona, the United States, & the World

Arizona & Pima County

Geospatial Resources

  • Arizona Geological Survey (AZGS)

    (Public) The Arizona Geological Survey provides access to information on the geology and lands of Arizona. Their Geologic Map of Arizona provides an interactive web map to explore the the geologic formations and faults.

  • ASLD Parcel Viewer

    (Public) View layers for land ownership, trust, mineral, and oil/gas parcels; and solar scores. Overlays available for grid reference, rights of way, mineral materials, grazing allotments, apiary sites, solar projects, and NRCD boundaries.

  • Arizona OpenGIS Initiative for Deceased Migrants

    (Public) Queryable database of migrant deaths reported the border counties of Arizona between 1981 and 2016 as reported by the Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner, Pima County OME, and Humane Borders. Data exports are in CSV file format.

  • Maricopa County GIS Portal

    (Public) View data for Maricopa County including parcels, historical aerials, survey points, elections and voting districts, planning and zoning, and stray animal reports. Additional resources available through their Flood, Environmental, and Transportation web application links. Data can be downloaded with submission of a data request form.

  • Arizona Digital Sanborn Maps

    (UA Access Only) Detailed maps of Arizona cities and towns, providing information such as building outlines, construction materials, heights, street widths, and building use between 1886-1958.

  • University of Arizona Drought View

    (Public) A dual-map interface displaying date-specific map coverages of vegetation health and a comparison against the normal average. Values are provided from the MODIS NDVI products

  • The Nature Conservancy Data and Reports - Arizona

    (Public) Access GIS data including freshwater assessments, natural infrastructure, ecoregional assessments (North America), biotic communities (southwest), and grasslands assessments.

  • AZGEO Data Hub

    (Public) Provides access to GIS layers for administrative boundaries, demographics, environmental factors, imagery, and more, for the state of Arizona. Maintained and hosted by the Arizona State Cartographer’s Office. This is has replaced AZGEO Clearinghouse. 

    User guide for getting started with AZGEO Data 

United States

Subject Specific Resources

The resources below provide geospatial datasets specific to the United States that can be downloaded and incorporated into projects. Datasets are broken down by subject.

  • IPUMS - Integrated Public Use Microdata Series

    (Public) Current and historical (1850) demographic and health data out of the University of Minnesota Population Center for the USA and international populations. Includes the NHGIS.

  • USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service

    The USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) conducts hundreds of surveys every year and prepares reports covering virtually every aspect of U.S. agriculture. Production and supplies of food and fiber, prices paid and received by farmers, farm labor and wages, farm finances, chemical use, and changes in the demographics of U.S. producers are only a few examples. Includes geospatial applications CropScape, VegScape and other data, statistics, reports & visualization tools.

  • Quarterly Census of Employment and Wage State and County Map

    (Public) A Web map displaying quarterly census data for private industry as well as local, state, and federal government. Data can be downloaded as CSV files.

  • BLM - Geospatial Business Platform

    (Public) Portal to search and download for BLM datasets. Search nationally or by state. Data includes habitats, wildlife corridors, land ownership, grazing allotments, off-highway vehicle designations, and national monuments.

  • PRISM Climate Data

    (Public) The PRISM Climate Group develops spatial climate datasets to reveal short- and long-term climate patterns. The resulting datasets incorporate a variety of modeling techniques and are available at multiple spatial/temporal resolutions, covering the period from 1895 to the present.

  • Commission for Environmental Protection National Environmental Atlas

    (Public) A digital repository of maps, data, and products pertaining to environmental issues in North America. Datasets can be previewed from the map viewer or browsed and downloaded individually as listings.

  • EPA Enforcement & Compliance History

    (Public) A searchable map interface showing federal and state EPA data, enabling searches for air, water, hazardous waste, enforcement cases, and facilities data. Data can be exported as CSV or XLS.

  • EnviroMapper

    (Public) Provides access to EPA databases to search information and generate maps about environmental activities that affect air, water, and land anywhere in the United States.

  • Earth Explorer (USGS)

    (Public) Satellite and aerial imagery covering the entire world that are managed by the USGS. Includes all Landsat collections, AVHRR, DLGs, and DEMs.

  • LANDFIRE Program

    The LF Program provides 20+ national geo-spatial layers (e.g. vegetation, fuel, disturbance, etc.), databases, and ecological models that are available to the public for the US and insular areas. Learn how LF is important to wildland fire management and supports more than fire.

  • NRCS Geospatial Data Gateway

    (Public) Provides search and download capabilities for high-resolution environmental and natural resource data held in the national Geospatial Data Warehouse.

  • The National Map (USGS)

    (Public) Provides data download, web products and services, and web access to orthoimagery, elevation, hydrography, boundaries, transportation, structures, and land cover covering the entire nation.

  • National Weather Service - GIS

    (Public) Landing page for the national weather service. Provides visualization, downloads, and web services for NWS products

  • National Interagency Fire Center

    (Public) Access online maps showing locations and perimeters of fires across the United States from 2002 to present. Data downloads available in KML and shapefile formats. This project was formally known as Geospatial Multi-Agency Coordination Group (GeoMAC).

  • US Bureau of Reclamation

    (public) Access open data provided by the USBR. Data includes products for projected temperature and precipitation changes for critical regions including the Columbia, Colorado, Sacramento-San Joaquin, and Rio Grande River basins.

Government ArcGIS Servers

A curated list of 3,500 Federal, State, County, and City ArcGIS Servers. This weekly updating report promotes public access to government data by publishing federal and state ArcGIS server addresses. This report hopes to provide local geospatial resource access to students to help them learn about and explore the geospatial data of their region. List is curated by Joseph Elfelt of Available in PDF Format with Read Me.


    (Public) Interactive tool for accessing HIV, AIDS, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and primary and secondary syphilis data collected by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The Atlas provides interactive maps, graphs, tables, and figures showing geographic patterns and time trends. The site also provides state profiles for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD and TB that include statistics and descriptions of prevention and control programs supported by CDC and state public health officials. Data available for download as an Excel file.

  • Community Commons

    (Public) Interactive mapping, networking, and learning utility for the broad-based healthy, sustainable, and livable communities movement. Provides access to numerous datasets and some map creation. Maps can be exported as images or shared with other users.

  • Global Dam Watch

    Global Dam Watch is an international collaboration between an expanding group of researchers who are passionate about understanding the costs and benefits of dams to our world. We bring together information about where to find the world’s most comprehensive dam datasets.

  • FFIEC Geocoder/Mapping System

    (Public) Access Census data on demographics, income, population, and housing for a particular Census Tract by searching addresses or clicking on the map.

  • Food Access Research Atlas (USDA)

    (Public) Visualize data depicting access to healthy food by census tract with comparisons against income level, vehicles access, and household size. Data can be downloaded as Excel files.

  • Food Environment Atlas (USDA)

    (Public) Data at state (few at county) level concerning food access, availability, expenditures, assistance; local foods; health and physical activity; and socioeconomic characteristics.

  • IPUMS - Integrated Public Use Microdata Series

    (Public) Current and historical (1850) demographic and health data out of the University of Minnesota Population Center for the USA and international populations. Includes the NHGIS.

  • Sanborn Maps at the Library of Congress

    The Library of Congress hosts a large collection of Sanborn fire insurance maps and an interactive browser to explore the collection.

  • SocioEconomic Data and Application Center (SEDAC) (National)

    (Public) A comprehensive data center providing reports, data, and maps pertaining subject including to Agriculture, Conservation, Governance, Populations, Infrastructure, and Poverty.

International & Global

Subject Specific Resources

The resources below provide international geospatial datasets that can be downloaded and incorporated into projects. Datasets are broken down by subject.

  • Commission for Environmental Protection National Environmental Atlas

    (Public) A digital repository of maps, data, and products pertaining to environmental issues in North America. Datasets can be previewed from the map viewer or browsed and downloaded individually as listings.

  • Natural Earth Data

    (Public)  Natural Earth is a public domain map dataset available at 1:10m, 1:50m, and 1:110 million scales. Featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data, with Natural Earth you can make a variety of visually pleasing, well-crafted maps with cartography or GIS software.

  • Earth Explorer (USGS)

    (Public) Satellite and aerial imagery covering the entire world that are managed by the USGS. Includes all Landsat collections, AVHRR, DLGs, and DEMs.

  • The Nature Conservancy Data and Reports - Arizona

    (Public) Access GIS data including freshwater assessments, natural infrastructure, ecoregional assessments (North America), biotic communities (southwest), and grasslands assessments.

  • WorldClim - Global Climate Data

    WorldClim is a set of global climate layers (gridded climate data) with a spatial resolution of about 1 km2. These data can be used for mapping and spatial modeling.

  • OBIS - Ocean Biogeographic Information System

    OBIS is a global open-access data and information clearing-house on marine biodiversity for science, conservation and sustainable development

  • EVGeoCloud - Mexico

    (UA Access Only) Easily access vector data published by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografia e Informatíca (INEGI) for for the Mexican border states of Baja Norte, Chihuahua, and Sonora. Data includes contour lines at 10m intervals, transportation data, built up areas, land cover, administrative boundaries and hydrological features. Available for download in shapefile format.

  • Global Dam Watch

    Global Dam Watch is an international collaboration between an expanding group of researchers who are passionate about understanding the costs and benefits of dams to our world. We bring together information about where to find the world’s most comprehensive dam datasets.

  • EVGeoCloud - LandScan

    (UA Access Only) World wide coverages showing average populations as a coverage (1 sq km resolution) and also at country levels. Provides some analysis and data download capabilities.

  • Mexico Geospatial Data

    (Public) Datasets privately processed by Diego Valle-Jones for census data produced by INEGI, INF, and other institutions. Datasets include census geographies, electoral shapefiles, municipalities, crimes, and homicides.

  • World Gapminder

    (Public) Visualizations for statistics and other information about social, economic and environmental development at local, national and global levels. Provides CSV download capabilities.

  • Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature

    International Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN)

  • Astropedia

    Lunar & planetary cartographic catalog

  • Astrodocs

    The contents of this wiki are intended to help users access and use the various software and services made available by the department.

  • Astrogeology Science Center (USGS)

    The USGS Astrogeology Science Center is a national resource for the integration of planetary geoscience, cartography, and remote sensing.