What is the DMPTool?

The DMPTool is an online system that helps you create data management plans in accordance with funder guidelines. The tool includes (as of 2018) 32 templates for 16 different federal and private funders and include:
- NSF (including directorate-specific templates)
- Department of Energy
- Sloan
- ..and many more
Getting Access
To log in to the tool, go to DMPTool.org and log in by (1) clicking Sign In, and (2) selecting the institutional log in option as shown below. You can then log in with your NetID.

What Can You Do?
Once logged in, you may create DMPs for your project using a template for your funding agency.
- Submit for review: Once you have created your plan, you may submit it for review right from the DMPTool itself. The review request will come to a member of the Data Management Services team.
- Export your plan: Plans can be exported into Microsoft Word or PDF formats at any time.
- Test plans: If you are just testing, there is an option to create test plans. There is a generic template in case you wish to create a plan not associated with any funder.
How to Use It