Data Management Plans [Examples]

University of Arizona Example DMPs

These vetted DMPs from successful proposals were provided by UA researchers for the benefit of the UA community. Please do not copy text from these DMPs verbatim into your own DMP. Note: UA NetID login required

Title Funder Date Courtesy of
Clinical data example (after selecting the link, choose the "Data Management and Sharing Plans" drop down menu from the resulting page) NIH National Institutes of Health (2023 DMSP) 2023 Bonnie LaFleur 
Using natural language processing to determine predictors of healthy diet and physical activity behavior change in ovarian cancer survivors (Dataworks! DMP Challenge Winner) NIH National Institutes of Health (2023 DMSP) 2022 UA researcher
Area of research: Food security and agriculture NSF Social and Economic Sciences (SES) 2017 UA researcher
Accelerating Comparative Metagenomics Through an Ocean Cloud Commons NSF Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) 2016 Bonnie Hurwitz
Synthesis and Design Workshop Principles for the Equitable Design of Digitally-Distributed, Studio-Based STEM Learning Environments NSF Education and Human Resources (EHR) 2018 Leslie Sult
Nutrient Bioavailability--Phytonutrients and Beyond USDA NIFA 2018 Frank Duca
Area of Research: Insect resistance to pesticides USDA NIFA 2019 UA researcher
OSIRIS-REx Science Data Management Plan (no login required). See the OSIRIS-REx Mission Bundle page for citation information. NASA 2016 Dante Lauretta


Examples From Other Institutions

These examples were compiled by others. Although we strive to ensure they represent accurate information, they are provided here as-is.

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Each section contains examples for the indicated directorate.

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Sample plans. These samples are for educational purposes only and are not intended to be used as templates. Their use does not guarantee approval by NIH.

Other examples

These resources contain additional examples from a variety of funders.