Research Bazaar
Research Bazaar, or ResBaz, is a community of practitioners committed to skills sharing around data and computational literacy. The community hosts a variety of events designed to connect researchers and scholars with the tools and resources they need.
Annual Bazaar
The annual bazaar is a free, multi-day intensive conference where researchers come together to up-skill in "next generation digital research tools and skills." In the spirit of a marketplace or bazaar, ResBaz is a highly participatory event where researchers from many different disciplines can learn, share knowledge and skills, and have fun!
Wednesday morning Coffee & Code
Whether you're debugging code or need ideas for how to introduce programming into your research, Wednesday morning Coffee and Code is a great place to receive help and share knowledge! No specific problem? No worries - join Coffee and Code to chit chat with other researchers in the morning while enjoying some coffee or tea.
Thursday afternoon Hacky Hour
Hacking + Happy Hour = HackyHour! Every week, researchers, data scientists, and programmers around campus get together on Thursday afternoons. Some people bring their programming problems to get help from those with more experience. Those without projects come to discuss their research, brainstorm new ideas, try out new technologies, or chit chat about data science!