Why use ReDATA?
ReDATA two-minute overview (transcript)
- To fulfill funder or publisher public data sharing mandates. ReDATA meets the Desirable Characteristics of Data Repositories for Federally Funded Research.
- To make your data FAIR and track citations/impact
- To make your data discoverable (e.g., via Google Dataset Search, DataCite, Libraries Catalog)
- ReDATA curators review your data and provide recommendations to improve its reuse potential
- The library stewards your data, helping you maintain compliance with university data retention policies
How to Use ReDATA
- Quick start
- In-depth walkthrough on how to deposit a dataset. View tutorial.
- Learn about the Deposit Agreement and Readme forms. These will be sent to you after you submit your data for review. View tutorial.
Publishing Data Associated with Journal Articles
When submitting a journal article many journals now require the data to be shared either at the time of submission (so reviewers can access it) or before final publication. Some journals allow authors to publish the data after the article is published as long as authors provide the DOI.
The main considerations for ReDATA revolve around timing and whether or not the dataset should be embargoed until the article is published.
A common scenario is that the dataset needs to be made privately available to reviewers upon article submission but remain embargoed until the article is reviewed and finalized. We have prepared a step-by-step guide for this scenario. Briefly,
- Deposit your dataset as normal
- During the review process, email us to let us know your article isn't published yet.
- Once your article is accepted, let us know and we will publish your dataset
Alternatively, you may use ReDATA's built-in embargo function which will auto-expire at a time you set. However, this approach is less flexible than the one outlined above. Since there can be other scenarios, please contact us with any questions.
ReDATA follows the Desirable Characteristics of Data Repositories for Federally Funded Research guidelines set forth by the National Science and Technology Council. Therefore, for non-restricted data, ReDATA is capable of meeting the repository requirements of most journals.
Additional Information
Include ReDATA in the Data Management and Sharing Plan section of the proposal. Refer to the grant information page for text you can insert.
If you need to update a dataset to add files or make a correction, it is possible to edit datasets in your own ReDATA account.
To do so, go to the MyData tab and hover over the entry you want to edit. Then click on the right-hand side of the entry, near the pencil icon.

A common request is for a graduate student, postdoc, or research staff to prepare and upload a dataset on behalf of a PI.
It is not currently possible for normal users to delegate access to their account or upload to ReDATA records created by other users. Therefore, to address this need, we recommend one of several options (listed below from simplest to most complex). Assuming a student is preparing a dataset on a PI's behalf:
- Option 1. Student uploads the data under their account and adds the PI as a co-author on the dataset and corresponding author on the Deposit Agreement. What to expect:
- The PI will not see the dataset under their account
- The PI will be cc'd on all communications during the review process. The PI will be able to request changes via email, even after the student leaves the institution.
- Once published, we can move the ownership of the record to the PI, if desired.
- Option 2. Student prepares the data files and required ReDATA metadata (title, abstract, keywords, etc.) outside of ReDATA and hands the materials to the PI. PI creates the dataset record under their own account, uploads the necessary files and copies the metadata to the appropriate fields in ReDATA. What to expect:
- The PI will see the dataset in their account
- PI is responsible for communicating with ReDATA staff (unless another arrangement is made)
- Option 3. Student (or PI) provides the data files and metadata to ReDATA staff and we will create the record under the PI's account on their behalf. What to expect:
- The PI will see the dataset in their account
- This is approach may require more back-and-forth communication
- PI is responsible for communicating with ReDATA staff (unless another arrangement is made)
- Option 4. PI creates an API token under their account and provides it to the student. The student uses the API to create a new deposit, upload files, and populate metadata. What to expect:
- The student will not be able to use the graphical interface. This requires knowledge of how to use REST API's. The documentation provides an example upload script (must be run in a Bash shell).
- The PI will see the dataset in their account
- PI is responsible for communicating with ReDATA staff (unless another arrangement is made)
You may see these terms in various places in ReDATA
Dataset: a single grouping of files under a single record in ReDATA.
- One dataset receives one DOI
- Create via the My Data tab in ReDATA
- This is the recommended way of using ReDATA to deposit materials
Project: a way to organize multiple datasets
- Projects do not receive a DOI
- Individual datasets can be moved into and out of projects
- Projects can be published and can have different storage types
- Other individuals you invite can upload their own datasets into your project. They can view and comment on, but not edit any datasets you've created (and vice versa)
- **We do not recommend using projects without contacting us first.**
Collection: a different way to organize already-published datasets
- Collections do receive a DOI
- Can add datasets from other users across the Figshare ecosystem, as well as your own data
- We recommend using collections if you have multiple datasets associated with a project and want to cite them individually, but also want a way to cite ALL of the datasets for the project under a single DOI. Example.
ORCiD is a nonprofit organization that provides unique identifiers to individual scholars and researchers. ORCiD allows manuscripts, grants, and other scholarship outputs to be more discoverable and integrated within larger research networks, like the ReDATA. You can create and connect your ORCiD directly through the UA ORCiD site and then link your unique identifier to your ReDATA profile after you log in (you may need to log out and log back in for your ORCiD to be captured).
To update your profile, log in to ReDATA, click on the top-right circle with your initials, and look for the "Profile" option in the drop-down menu. You will be able to change your name, job title, fields of interest (you may add more than one), among other information. Name changes will be reflected in the auto-generated citation.
ReDATA consists of pre-defined portals (pages) that correspond to broad research themes. The creation of additional portals beneath these broad themes can be requested by colleges, departments, or research groups with significant data publication needs; however, approval is at the discretion of the ReDATA team. These portals can have custom URLs and logos/graphics (example USA National Phenology Network). For more information, please consult the "Requesting Portals" section of the Policies document as well as the Community Policy.
Who can deposit materials?
Anyone with a valid UA NetID login and UA Library privileges, specifically, active faculty, staff, designated campus colleagues (DCCs), and undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in an academic program.
How much does it cost to deposit?
At this time, there is no cost to individual UA researchers.
What happens if I leave the university?
Your published datasets will remain publicly available. If you need to update any previously published datasets after you've left the institution, please contact us directly.
What kinds of materials can I deposit?
ReDATA will only accept datasets, software, media files (and associated documentation) developed or used to support research activities at UA. ReDATA will not accept deposits consisting solely of document-oriented materials such as reports, pre-prints, post-prints, journal articles, reports, theses, and dissertations. These materials should be deposited in the UA Campus Repository. See the "Deposit Policy" section in the Policies document for more information.
Do materials have to be associated with a published article?
No. As long as the dataset, code, etc. is "final", it is acceptable.
What size/amount of materials can I deposit?
The amount of materials that can be deposited is limited by your individual quota allocation. You may request an increase in your quota directly from ReDATA or by contacting us. Justifiable requests will be approved based on need and availability.
What happens after I submit and publish my dataset?
After uploading your files, entering the appropriate metadata, and submitting the dataset, it will not be published immediately. Instead, it will undergo curatorial review, and you (or a designated corresponding author) will be required to sign a Deposit Agreement and fill out a "README" form via Qualtrics.
Once the curatorial review has been completed, your dataset will be made public, and the DOI will become active. After publication, you may make changes to the dataset or metadata at any time (this will generate a new version of the dataset; the old version remains available).
Can I publish my data without going through the curatorial review process?
No. The review process helps make your data more FAIR but also allows us to help you comply with data sharing policies surrounding sensitive data.
Can I make changes/updates to my dataset after it has been published?
Yes. To make a change, log in to ReDATA and edit the dataset by clicking on the pencil icon that appears when you hover over the record in your "My Data" tab. Make changes by directly editing the record and submit. The dataset will be reviewed however you will not have to complete a new Deposit Agreement or Readme form. Most changes will result in a new version of the dataset with the old version remaining available.
If I change/update my dataset, will the DOI change?
The "unversioned" DOI will not change.
Each dataset has two DOIs, one for each published version and one that always points to the latest version of a dataset. As an example, take this deposit on COVID data which has two published versions. This results in three DOIs: one DOI for each version (10.25422/azu.data.14869740.v1, 10.25422/azu.data.14869740.v2) as well as an unversioned DOI without the .v1 and .v2 suffixes that always points to the latest version (10.25422/azu.data.14869740). All of these are valid and their use depends on whether you need to refer to a specific version or just the latest version. We recommend using the unversioned DOI when citing your data in your manuscript.What is the difference between using OSF and ReDATA for data storage?
This comparison table will give you an idea of the difference between the OSF and ReDATA services. In a nutshell, while both OSF and ReDATA are free options for the UArizona community, their services make them ideal for different phases during the research process.
For instance, a research team might want to use OSF to organize their work and foster collaboration during active research due to OSF's capability to grant/hide access to files and sections of a project. When using OSF, researchers are responsible for making sure that their files remain accessible to the relevant people. Note that OSF's storage capacity is limited to 50GB, which may not be ideal for storing their final research outputs.
In contrast, ReDATA is often used by researchers once they have generated and compiled their research outputs. Once a research project has been completed, researchers make use of ReDATA's curatorial review process to ensure that their data meet all funder/journal requirements and that it is easy to discover and cite. During this process, researchers can trust that the UA Libraries will preserve their data (up to 1TB) and that it will remain accessible even if ReDATA goes away (see the question below).
What happens if ReDATA goes away?
Published materials will be transferred to the public Figshare instance where possible. In all cases, UA Research Data Management Services will retain an archival copy of published materials for 10 years from the date of deposit. Access to this copy will be by request only. See the Retention and Review Policy for more information.
Who funds ReDATA?
ReDATA is jointly funded by RII and the Libraries.