Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible?

Students at the University of Arizona who are enrolled full time Spring 2023 in any college or discipline and were not selected as winners of the 2022 Data Visualization Challenge.

How do I apply?

Submissions are accepted through the submission form. See the program homepage for requirements and a list of submission details.

What are the evaluation criteria?

Submissions will be evaluated on the ability to convey information in a meaningful and aesthetically appealing way. When developing a submission, participants should consider the following:

  • Are the data accurate and from a reliable source?
  • What is the message or main point of the visualization?
  • Is the visualization clear to a non-specialist?
  • Is this a novel way of displaying the data at hand?
  • Does the visualization use space and color in an effective way?
  • If the submission is interactive, is it intuitive?

When will decisions be made?

Winners will be announced by May 3, 2021.

What kind of visualizations are appropriate to submit?

Data visualizations may include but are not limited to: maps, charts, graphs, data art, and 3D models. Submissions can be static, animated, or web-based interactive stories.

Are team submissions allowed?

Submissions are not required to be the work of a single person. However, awards will only be made to individuals and the person submitting the visualization must hold the copyright to the work.

Who do I contact for more information?

Please send any additional inquiries to LBRY-data-viz@email.arizona.edu.